Since 2016, The Armory has been helping men find freedom from pornography and sexual sin through the resurrection power of Jesus Christ. We meet weekly for prayer, accountability, and confession of sin in order to receive healing (James 5:16) and walk in victory.
Our vision
We see thousands of men in Orange County growing in their relationship with Jesus as they grow in sexual integrity and freedom from lust, pornography and other sexual sins. We believe this will bring about transformation in men, marriages, families, churches and communities and has the potential to radically alter the spiritual landscape of our country and the world.
OUR biblical mandate
“We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”
- 2 Cor. 10:5
An Armory meeting normally follows the following agenda:
Opening prayer
Scripture reading/discussion
Reading the vision for The Armory (above)
Covering our curriculum (see below)
Confession and accountability (see below)
Discussion of next steps
Our accountability questions
Critical to healing and victory over sin is confession and accountability (James 5:16, Prov. 28:13, 1 John 1:9). To that end, at the center of our weekly meetings is the time we take to confess our sins to each other and share honestly about our challenges and victories with sexual sin since our last meeting. We ask each other the following questions:
1. Have you been with anyone this past week in a way that might be seen as compromising?
2. Have you exposed yourself to any sexually explicit material since our last meeting?
3. Have you succumbed to temptation in your thought life through sexual fantasy or other lustful thoughts?
4. Have you engaged in any type of self-gratification or other sexual sin since our last meeting?
5. Have you made at least 2 accountability calls this week?
6. Have you spent regular time in Bible study and prayer?
7. Have you given priority time to your family and/or friends?
8. Is there anything else you need to confess?
9. Have you just lied to me?
10. What is your commitment to change for this week?
Our curriculum
We have found these curriculums to be the most comprehensive and effective tools in examining ourselves, finding Spirit-led freedom and winning the battle over lust and sexual sin.